Saturday, February 28, 2009

Another Award !

And The Award Goes To
Ms. Unique


Yay ... Alhamdulillah I got another award from Umm Hasan just because I followed her blog and read her posts .... it was really kind, thoughtful and generous of her .... Jazak Allah Khairan sis ..... I'm so happy and honored ...

And I'd like to pass this Companion Award to ALL my Followers. Congratulations and please feel free to pass it on to your worthy companions.


  1. salam alaykum sis, thank you for posting a comment on my blog, yes i delted my other blog for personal reasons, i do hope you will continue to visit the other blog i have. i do like to visit your blog, i should really comment more.

    umm hasan

  2. Umm hasan: Insha Allah will try to visit the other blog often ... Jazak Allah Khairan :)

  3. Hajar: Jazak Allah Khairan .... same to u too :)


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