Dr. Faten Abdel-Rahman Khorshid is responsible for one of the Kingdom’s greatest national achievements in the field of science for her work which began with the urine of camels and concluded in a potential cure for cancer. After spending more than five years in lab research, this Saudi scientist and faculty member from King Abdul Aziz University (KAAU) and President of the Tissues Culture Unit at King Fahd Center for Medical Research, has discovered that nano-particles in the urine of camels can attack cancer cells with success. Her work began with experiments involving camel urine, cancer cells found in patients’ lungs and culminated in injecting mice with leukemic cancel cells and camel urine to test the results.
Speaking to the Saudi Gazette, Dr. Khorshid claimed that she was inspired by Prophet Muhammad’s (pbuh) medical advice and that camel urine consists of natural substances that work to eradicate malignant cells and maintain the number of healthy cells in a cancer patient.
“This treatment is not an invention, but rather, taken from our Prophet’s legacy,” she remarked. A Hadith narrated by Al-Bukhari (2855) and Muslim (1671) claims that some people came to Madina and fell ill with bloated abdomens. The Prophet (pbuh) told them to combine the milk and urine of a camel and drink that, after which they recovered. A swollen abdomen may indicate edema, liver disease or cancer. Dr. Khorshid added that she is not a medial doctor but a scientist and her job involves the preparation and testing of a drug in the lab and supervising the manufacture, testing and application of the drug. For more read here.
AFTER 9/11, Islam and Muslims have been targeted and accused of violence and terrorism. The reality is that terrorists have no religion and this is specially true because they have targeted and killed probably more Muslims than non-Muslims. Islam is against all anti-social behavior and it has clearly defined the rights of every creation, including animals and plants. It has outlined our duties towards each other and defined how our relationships with each other should be. The rights and duties of parents and children towards each other, for example, or those of wives and husbands or masters and servants have all been explained. Islam orders Muslims to be good with their neighbors, irrespective of their status in society, color or religion. It orders the promotion of virtue and prevention of vice in the society.Our duty is not restricted to our relatives or neighbors alone, but it also includes common people we meet on the street. The Prophet (peace be upon him) was a mercy to the Alameen (all creation). Islam promotes welfare of all humanity. It orders rich Muslims to pay Zakat (obligatory charity) to the needy people. Moreover, the right to education is very much emphasized. Islam orders free education for all. Every citizen should have access to free learning and this is a responsibility on every Muslim state.Furthermore, Islam does not allow its followers to swear at the gods of people of other religions. It prohibits forceful conversions and promotes tolerance. Muslim rule from its very beginning provide a living proof of its tolerance and humanitarian approach. – SG
By ‘Aaidh Bin Abdullah Al-Qarni1. Wake up in the last third of the night to beg forgiveness from Allah.“...and those who pray and beg Allah’s Pardon in the last hours of the night.” (Qur’an, 3:17)2. At least once in a while, seclude yourself from people in order to contemplate.“Those who remember Allah standing, sitting, and lying down on their sides, and think deeply about the creation of the heavens and the earth...” (Qur’an, 3:191)3. Stay in the company of the righteous.“And keep yourself patiently with those who call on their Lord...” (Qur’an, 18:28)4. Remember Allah often.“Remember Allah with much remembrance.” (Qur’an, 33:41)5. Pray two units of prayer with sincerity and devotion.?“Those who offer their prayer with all solemnity and full submissiveness.” (Qur’an, 23:2)6. Recite the Qur’an with understanding and reflection.“Do they not then consider the Qur’an carefully?” (Qur ‘an, 4:82)7. Fast on a hot, dry day.“He abandons his food, drink, and desire — all for Me.”8. Give charity secretly.“Until the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand has spent.”9. Provide relief and aid to the afflicted Muslim.“Whoever gives relief to a Muslim from one of the vicissitudes of this life, Allah will relieve him from a calamity that is from doing the calamities of the Day of Judgment.”10. Be as abstemious and abstinent as possible in this fleeting world.?“The Hereafter is better and more lasting.” (Qur’an 87: 17) – Excerpt from ‘Don’t Be Sad, IIPH
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “Beware of suspicion, for suspicion is the worst of false tales; and do not look for the others’ faults and do not spy, and do not be jealous of one another, and do not desert (cut your relation with) one another, and do not hate one another; and O Allah’s worshipers! Be brothers (as Allah has ordered you!”) (Al-Bukhari, 8/73, no. 90)
JUST think about it. The eyes follow the righteous soul as it floats effortlessly upwards through the seven heavens. It leaves the body like water flowing from a stream and angels greet it with beautiful words supplicating to Allah to bless it. The doors of heaven open and angels dress it with beautiful clothes, asking who this wonderful soul is. At last, that day arrives and records are placed in the right hand and it is told to return to its grave until the Day of Judgment.On the other hand, the evil soul is ripped apart from the body by angels with the sternest of faces, welcoming it to Allah’s wrath and anger. The body is torn from the inside as the severity hits home. All angels curse the soul and the doors to heaven are shut. There is total pandemonium as angels ask about the ugly soul. Slowly but surely the records go to the left hand and Allah’s promise is delivered. Allah says in the Noble Qur’an: “Everyone shall taste death. And only on the Day of Resurrection shall you be paid your wages in full. And whoever is removed away from the Fire and admitted to Paradise, he indeeds successful. The life of this world is only the enjoyment of deception.” (Qur’an, 3:185)Everyone must experience the end. This is the only real guarantee we have in life. Death is true and we all know people who have died. Think back, those who were alive last year are no longer here today and as another Ramadan approaches of the Prophet (peace be upon him), ask yourself, is this going to be my last? The Companions remembered death continuously and acted upon the knowledge of death they had. They were from the best of people and with the best of Allah’s creation, Muhammad (may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). But see how they remembered this reality. They would weep remembering that they will be held accountable for their deeds after death. For more read here.