The following are some statements of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) on what deeds could lead to forgiveness of our past and future sins. The statements were collected in the book Al-Bihar Az-Zakhirah fi Asbab Al-Maghfirah
1. Perfecting one’s ablution
“No worshipper perfects his ablution except that his past and future sins are forgiven.” (Hasan, Al-Bazzar. Al-Haythami and Al-Mundhiri agreed upon.)
2. Fasting in Ramadan
“Whoever fasts Ramadan out of faith and seeking Allah’s reward then his past and future sins are forgiven.” (Ahmad)
3. Night prayer in Ramadan
“Whoever stands (in prayer) in Ramadan out of faith and seeking Allah’s reward then his past and future sins are forgiven.” (Sahih An-Nasa’i)
4. Night of Al-Qadr
Laylat-ul-Qadr or the Night of Al-Qadr can be expected in the odd nights of the last 10 days of Ramadan. He who performs the night prayer in it out of belief and seeking Allah’s reward his past and future sins are forgiven. (Ahmad)
5. Thanking Allah after eating and putting one’s clothes on
“Whoever ate food and then said, ‘Praise be to Allah who has fed me this food and provided it for me, without any strength or power on my part’, is forgiven his past (and future*) sins. And whoever wears a garment and says, ‘Praise be to Allah who has clothed me with this (garment) and provided it for me, without any strength or power on my part’, is forgiven his past and future sins.” (Ibn Majah, Abu Dawood, Al-Tirmidhi, An-Nasa’i, and others)
The addition marked by (*) is related by Abu Dawood. Sheikh Al-Albani declared it Hasan in Sahih Al-Jami (no. 6086).
6. Getting old in Islam
“No one reaches 40 years in Islam except that Allah protects him from madness, leprosy and leucoderma. When he is 50, Allah makes his reckoning easy. When he reaches 60, Allah grants him repentance. And when he reaches 70, Allah loves him and the inhabitants of the heavens love him. And when he reaches 80, Allah accepts his good deeds and overlooks his sins. When he reaches 90, Allah forgives his past and future sins, and he is named ‘the prisoner of Allah on earth’ and is granted intercession (for forgiveness) for his family.” (Hasan, Ibn Asakir. Ahmad Shakir said in his notes on Al-Musnad, 8/23, 25: “Its chain is at least Hasan. It is supported with other chains which raise it to the level of Sahih.”)
7. Neither Ruqya nor belief in bad omens
“I was told: ‘These are your people and amongst them there are 70,000 who shall enter Paradise without being taken to either account or torment.’ …’They are those who do not make Ruqya nor seek it, nor believe in bad omens, but trust in their Lord (Allah).’” (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)
8. Patiently bearing children’s death
“Whoever buries three children, Allah will forbid the (Hell) Fire for him.” (Sahih, Tabarani in Al-Kabeer, Al-Albani authenticated it in Sahih Al-Jami, no. 6238)
“There are no two Muslim parents whose three children die before reaching puberty except that Allah will enter them into Paradise due to His mercy to the children.
It will be said to them, ‘Enter the Paradise,’ so they will say, ‘Not until our parents enter first.’ It will be said, ‘Enter the Paradise you and your parents.’ (Ahmad and An-Nasa’i; Al-Albani authenticated it in Sahih Al-Jami, no. 5780)
“Whoever remains content and patient after the death of three of his offspring will enter Jannah.”
A woman said, “What about two?” The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “And two.” (Sahih, An-Nasa’i and Ibn Hibban; authenticated by Al-Albani in Sahih Al-Jami, no. 5969)
For more please read here.
Disclaimer: This article is written for women who do not have the responsibility of supporting their families and are financially able to implement the advice contained herein.
On TV and in movies, motherhood is about excitement, happiness, and pride. Pregnancy is special and fun, and babies are there to coo and act cute, be dressed up in all sorts of must-have outfits, and be shown off as the ultimate accessory. As always, these depictions are half truths at best.
Motherhood is about submission. And just like with Islam, submission is not just when it is convenient, compatible, or easy. The fruits of your labor take time to blossom. From the first day a woman gets that positive pregnancy test, the trials and tribulations begin. Nausea, vomiting, fatigue, and heartburn characterize the first trimester. Thankfully in Allah’s Mercy He has promised in the Qur’an “With every hardship comes ease, with every hardship comes ease.” (Qur’an, 94:6) So alas, the second trimester brings a period of ease and pleasure. She revels in her changing body and starts feeling the first movements of her child. She feels great after recovering from the morning sickness and starts to plan the future. Then the third trimester starts to threaten this bliss. By 37 weeks her discomfort reaches its peak, and she is ready for that time of ease again. She begins to look forward to the birth and wants to do anything to make it come sooner, not knowing what is about to come. She thinks the birth is the end but indeed it is only the beginning of a lifelong test of her will.
The moment finally arrives and she meets her child for the first time. Again, Allah has granted a wonderful moment of ease and unadulterated joy after the hardships of birth. No woman can truly understand the intense emotional response her mind and body has to holding her newborn baby until her time comes.
Every aspect of the birthing journey becomes trivial and worth every moment with her new baby. After the initial joys, she suddenly becomes submersed in another wave of emotional intensity that threatens to overwhelm her. Again, submission is the key to accepting the instantaneous maternal extinct that Allah has created for her. Rather than fighting the feelings or trying to escape, she must submit and allow herself to cry, breathe, share and finally accept the responsibility that has now been flung on to her.
Yes, motherhood is a responsibility. A huge responsibility, and as with most responsibilities, there is pleasure spiked with pain. Allah has just entrusted her with what could be the biggest test of her life. Each stage of parenting comes with its joys and conflicts, victories and failures. Without guidance from her Creator, she may feel lost and overwhelmed and try to chart her own path, which could lead to disaster. Submission to Allah’s will and His purpose for mothers is the key to surviving the many trials to come.
Allah and His Messenger (peace be upon him) have made it very clear that one of the primary roles of a woman is as a mother and care provider for her children. The emotional well-being, physical health, and religious guidance of the child all rest primarily in the hands of the mother, with the most intense period being from conception through the earliest years of life.
For more please read here.