Q- If I come across a verse of Sajdat-ut-Tilawah (prostration of recitation) when I am reciting the Qur’an at my desk, or when I am teaching the students, or in any place, should I perform the Sajdat-ut-Tilawah? And is the prostration for both the reciter and the listener?
A – Sajdat-ut-Tilawah is a sunnah for the reciter and for the listener. It is not an obligation. Also, it is not prescribed for the listener except while following the reciter. So if you recite such a verse in your office or the place of instruction, it is lawful for you to make prostration and it is prescribed for the students to follow by prostrating with you, because they are the listeners. And if you do not observe the prostration, there is no objection.
– Sheikh Abdul Aziz Bin Baz; Fatawa Islamiyah, vol. 2, pg. 282
Speaking to women
Q- What is the ruling if a young, unmarried man spoke with a young unmarried women on the telephone?
A – Speaking with an unrelated woman in a manner that provokes desires, such as speaking words of love or flirting and subduing one’s voice, whether on the telephone or otherwise, is not permissible. This is in accordance with what Allah said: “Then be not soft in speech, lest he in whose heart is a disease (of hypocrisy, or evil desire for adultery, etc.) should be moved with desire.”
As for speaking when there is a need, there is no objection to it, as long as it is free from corruption, but only in cases of necessity.
– Permanent Committee for Islamic Research and Verdicts; Fatawa Islamiyah, pg. no. 120, vol. 5.
Q- Which of the two is better: Dedicating oneself to da’wah or dedicating oneself to seeking knowledge?
A – Seeking knowledge is better and more worthy. It is possible that the student of knowledge gives da’wah while seeking knowledge, but it is not possible that he gives da’wah to Allah while he does not have knowledge. Allah said: Say (O Muhammad): “This is my way; I invite unto Allah with sure knowledge…” (Qur’an, 12:108)
So how could there be da’wah without knowledge? And no one has ever given da’wah without knowledge; and whosoever calls without knowledge, (he will) not be successful.
– Sheikh Muhammad Bin Saleh Al-Uthaymeen; Kitab-ul-’Ilm
Our lives are usually so preoccupied with materialism today that we hardly find time to think about the eternal life to come. Our quest to conquer every desirable thing in this temporary world has left little energy in us to work for eternal happiness. ‘Aaidh Bin Abdullah Al-Qarni mentions in his book ‘Don’t Be Sad’ some telling narrations of people who lived otherwise.
A RIGHTEOUS person was once thrown into a lion’s cage, and Allah then saved him from its claws. He was later asked, “What were you thinking about at the time.” He said, “I was considering the saliva of a lion – whether it is considered by scholars to be pure or impure (i.e. whether, when I die, I will be in a state of purity or not).”
Allah described those who were with the Prophet (peace be upon him) according to their intentions:?“Among you are some that desire this world and some that desire the Hereafter.” (Qur’an, 3:152)
Ibn Al-Qayyim mentioned that a person’s value is measured according to his determination and his goals. A wise person once said words to the same effect: “Inform me of a man’s determination and I will tell you what kind of man he is.”
A vessel capsized at sea. A pious man among others was hurled into the water. He began to make ablution, one limb at a time. Later, he managed to get to shore and was saved. He was asked about why he made the ablution. The man replied, “I wanted to make ablution so that I would die in a state of purity.”
Imam Ahmad, during the pangs of death, was pointing to his beard while others were making his ablution for him, reminding them not to miss a spot.
“So Allah gave them the reward of this world, and the excellent reward of the Hereafter.” (Qur’an 3:148)
ALLAH’s Messenger (peace be upon him) said: “Whoever has an atom’s worth of kibr (pride and arrogance) in his heart will not enter Paradise.” So a man said: What about a person who loves (i.e. takes pride in) wearing beautiful clothes and beautiful shoes? So he replied: “Indeed Allah is beautiful and loves beauty. Kibr is to reject the truth, and to despise the people.” (Sahih Muslim, 1/65)
So Allah informs us that the Hellfire is the abode of those who have kibr (pride and arrogance). And we learn from the (above) hadith that: “Whoever has on atom’s worth of kibr in his heart will not enter Paradise.” So this is a proof that kibr necessitates entry into the Hellfire and prevents entry into Paradise. And this comprehensive explanation that the Prophet (peace be upon him) mentioned has clarified the meaning of kibr in the dearest possible manner. So he divided kibr into two types:
1. Kibr against the truth This is to reject truth and not accept it. So anyone who rejects the truth is proud and arrogant – in accordance with what he rejects. So it is obligatory upon everyone to humble themselves to the truth that Allah sent His Messenger with, and (the truth) He sent down in His Book.
Those who, out of pride and arrogance, do not comply with the Messengers (i.e. do not believe in them and their message) are disbelievers and they will eternally dwell in the Hellfire. This is because they rejected the truth that the Messengers brought to them with clear signs and proofs. They are prevented from accepting it because of the kibr they harbor in their hearts. Allah said: “Verily, those who dispute about the Signs of Allah, without any authority having come to them, there is nothing else in their breasts except pride.” (Qur’an, 40:56) For more read here.
EXQUISITELY styled abayas are on the wish list of every woman in the Kingdom. Expat women too are determined to make a fashion statement out of the typically black cloaks that are, by and large, not mandatory in their home countries. “Saudi women as well as expat women prefer modern abaya styles. However, women in Riyadh are more conservative in their choice of abaya colors, and there are some restrictions prohibiting very attractive and colorful abayas in Riyadh. On the other hand, women in Jeddah like to wear colorful abayas,” said Hala Droubi, a Syrian PR coordinator in TBWA\RAAD, Jeddah.
“Another difference between Saudi women and expatriate women,” she said, “is that most Saudi women are willing to invest more in abayas than the average expatriate women. They also buy new abayas more frequently and in almost every season or have their own custom-made abayas, making sure that they follow the latest trends in abaya styles.”
Abayas in vibrant hues, with bands of glistening diamantes, sheaths of leopard prints, glittering stones, ribbon and lace embellishments, etc. are just some of the designs in abayas that are gaining popularity with expat women.
Droubi said the latest trend in abayas is inspired by the old traditional Egyptian “milaya laf” dress, which women used to wear in the 1920s in Egypt.
Abayas in butterfly and fish silhouettes and with embroidery designs on the neck, back and borders also score high with expat women, and so do black abayas blended with bright and flashy colors, and those embellished with sparkling diamantes and detailed bead work in the front. Satin pleated abayas with chic net sleeves give a modern and contemporary look. For more read here.